This Urdu translation is by Muhammad Munawwar Ali Qadri. The book is in PDF format so you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to open it. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for FREE from Tafseer e Kabir, or The Great Commentary, was written by Imam Jaa'far Sufiyan Sadiq Aalam al-Baaqi (Mulla Sadra) of Isfahan during the Safavid era in Iran about 500 years ago. This work has been described as "the most comprehensive work on Islamic philosophy, psychology and metaphysics ever written". It is said that this work along with Imam Shafei's Risala (book) is one of the most important works on Islamic Jurisprudence. Imam Jaafar Sadiq Aalam al-Baaqi was known for his eloquence in Arabic and Persian. He was also master of all sciences including philosophy, theology, astronomy, physics and mathematics. He spent some time in Isfahan which was one of the strongholds of Islamic knowledge at that time. His being there on the invitation of Shah Sultan Hussain established a new center for Islamic learning in Isfahan which lasted for several centuries. He was a prolific writer and wrote around 100 books and around 80 booklets. He was known for his comprehensive and exact method of learning sciences. His students included Mulla Sadra, Mulla Nasser al-Din Shah Qadir Tabrizi, Mulla Muhammad Motahhari and others. He was a figure of great spiritual stature and profound knowledge. He had the features of all the Prophets and Imams in him. His stature is such that there was no one to his level neither in his lifetime nor in history after him in terms of learning, understanding and spiritual insight. Tafseer e Kabeer is a commentary on both Qur'an and Ahadeeth. It is a philosophical, mystical and theological treatise which interprets the Qur'an in the light of various Islamic Sciences including psychology, ethics, metaphysics etc. Tafseer e Kabeer is often used in educational and instructional purposes and in fact has been done for this purpose. It has been translated into many languages including Urdu, English, Hindi and other Indian languages. The book is in PDF format so you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to open it. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for FREE from This Urdu translation of Tafseer e Kabir is by Muhammad Munawwar Ali Qadri. The book is in PDF format so you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to open it. 8eeb4e9f32 50
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